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Class Description

In this workshop, students will explore basic photography, photo editing fundamentals and how to create photo- surrealistic scenarios.  Students will be utilizing cameras and Adobe Photoshop. 

Learning Objectives: in this class, students will learn about

  • Students will gain a basic understanding of the fundamentals of photography.
    • Aperture, Shutter, ISO, Rule of thirds
  • Students will explore fundamentals of photo editing in Adobe Photoshop.
    • How to key out images
    • How to change light and match color themes. 
  • Students learn to create a surrealistic image based on the images they have gathered and taken in the class. 


  • Camera or iPad 
  • iMac
  • iPad


  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Capture 

Deliverables: Students and Class Projects

  • Students will create a composite Surrealistic image based on images they have captured. 
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